To All Staff & Parish Volunteers who greet parishioners
September 27, 2011
Re: New Training Requirements – Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) Customer Services Standard
Please be advised that effective January 1, 2012, Ontario will have new legislation that requires employers to meet a new Customer Service Accessibility Standard, governing the provision of services to all Ontarians, especially those with disabilities. An element of this new legislation is the requirement for employee & volunteer training regarding the new Customer Service Standard.
To ensure that all staff members and volunteer greeters are prepared to provide services in a manner that is accessible to all of our people, and that respects the dignity and independence of people with disabilities, all staff members are directed to participate in Online AODA Training. The training will require about 90 minutes and will be followed by a test. It can be done at your convenience either privately or in groups within the next three months. This training will cost each parish $10.00 per employee and will be free to volunteers.
Each deanery will have a website with the training video, the test and an ability to track completion of the course and issue certificates. These websites will be up and running by October 1, 2011. The website address will be published at that time. In January 2012, I will be required to assure the Minister of Labour that the Diocese of London has complied with the legislation.
We thank you for your continued commitment to Gospel values and the preferential option for the poor. We will do our best to provide you with the tools for meeting this new provincial standard.
Enjoy the training!
Human Resources
Why do we have to take this training?
The legislation requires employers to train their employees who deal with the public. It raises awareness around accessibility for those with disabilities.
How long will the training take?
The training video will be accessed through the internet at a time of your convenience. The training and the quiz that follows the training video should take about an hour and a half.
How much will the training cost?
If you are an employee your parish will be charged $10.00 for this training. If you are a volunteer the training will be free.
How do I access the web site?
Each employee and volunteer will be given the web site address and a unique password. These instructions will be sent to the parish e-mail address.
Can I take the training at home on my personal computer?
Yes you may access the web site from any personal or parish computer.
Can I pause the training and return to it at another time?
Yes you can pause the video and it will pick up where you left off. If another person logs into the same web site on the same computer the original user will have to start from scratch.
Which parish volunteers will need the training? How do they get an assigned password?
If a parish has Sunday morning greeters or a welcome desk they will need the training. A parish may want their ushers to take this training. It can be done in groups but the quiz will have to be done individually online. We will ask parishes to submit names of volunteers who will require this training.
Will the training have to renewed after a period of time?
There is no provision in the legislation for an individual to take the training more than once. Going forward all new employees will have to take the training.