Diocese of London Campus Ministry is carried out at two sites:
Our Mandate
To seek to nurture and challenge students, staff, faculty and the wider community in order to bring all into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ; to provide programs and services in the areas of advocacy, catechesis, evangelization, community life, prayer and worship, justice and peace, leadership development and spiritual and pastoral counseling; to promote ecumenical and interfaith dialogue and prayer; to serve the People of God and the entire human family. Fr. Michael Béchard serves as Director of King’s University College Campus Ministry Team.
Our Work
Work is undertaken with and for the larger university community, comprised of almost 3,500 full-time faculty and staff at King’s, working to meet the diverse needs of over 30,000 students of various faith backgrounds at UWO. Provision of Catholic education and training is offered in conjunction with the administration of King’s University College, to chaplains at the secondary and post-secondary levels. Sacramental formation is available year-round to members of our parish and the wider university community through the RCIA process and Scripturally-based faith formation. Work continues with the administration of the College toward the full realization of Ex Corde Ecclesiae. Sunday Eucharist is celebrated, along with weekday Masses, lay-led Liturgy of the Word and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. The annual Religious Life Lecture Series is free and open to the public. Collaborative work continues with other faith-based organizations creating meaningful dialogue between Catholics, Jews and Muslims; and UWO Chaplains’ Association, supporting interdenominational services throughout the wider UWO community.
Our Good News Stories
Andres and Maria came to us seeking the completion of their initiation into the Catholic faith through Confirmation, both student refugees to Canada with little to no support in the community. They were received into the Church at the Easter Vigil. Upon finding themselves pregnant, they continued to come to us for spiritual direction and support. When Maria delivered Gabriella early and there were complications which resulted in her hospitalization and fear for her life, both Maria and Andres were devastated and once again turned to our faith community for support. Although they were committed to celebrating Gabriella’s baptism with family and friends in a large Church ceremony, but after much prayer and discussion with our chaplains they felt the movement of the Spirit and requested an emergency baptism in the hospital’s critical care unit. Gabriella was baptized and has since started on the road to recovery and her parents have grown in love for and practice of their faith. Gabriella is now home with Mom and Dad and is growing healthier every day.
Click here for information King's Campus Ministry
Our Vision
Guided by our Catholic tradition, Campus Ministry seeks to be an integral partner with the University of Windsor’s inclusive community through dialogue, witness, and service.
Our Mission
Assumption University’s Campus Ministry serves all students, faculty, and staff of the University of Windsor by journeying with them as they grow in wisdom and truth. This mission manifests itself in three interconnected movements:
Our Work
After many years without an active program, Campus Ministry in Windsor was re-launched in 2010 in the tradition of the Basilian Fathers. Campus Ministry is a pastoral service of Assumption University serving over 15,000 students at University of Windsor. Assumption University is a founding College of University of Windsor and remains an affiliate college. Our aim is to create a community where life’s tough questions can be discussed and through those discussions, people may come to know God’s mercy, love and Truth.
As we seek to engage the very diverse population of the University of Windsor, Campus Ministry has created spaces and programs that promote hospitality so that doors may be opened to discover the Truth. Our programs are open to all who want to participate and seek to better the whole person – body, mind and spirit.
Through Campus Ministry’s connection to Assumption Parish, Sunday and Weekday Masses are available on campus. We also provide a comprehensive Campus Ministry program with an emphasis on student leadership. We aim to form missionary disciples on campus who witness to their peers and prepare to enter the world of work after graduation.
Our Good News Stories
As ministers to students, we recognize our call as seed-planters. For some, we can see the seeds taking root and even blossoming; for others the seeds take root later in life. Much of the fruit can been seen in the amazing things our students have gone to do after graduation. Just in the last few years we have seen students go off to serve as missionaries, seminarians, and professionals. Mike, a 2014 graduate, went on to serve as a missionary with NET Ministries and is currently on staff there. Phong, a 2017 Biology graduate, served with Jesuit Volunteer Corps in Nashville serving homeless youth. Carlos, a 2015 Environment Science graduate, is currently in seminary for the Diocese of Hamilton. Julia, a 2015 Biology graduate, is a faith-filled wife, mother, and pharmacist. Georgina, a 2018 forensic science graduate, is currently working in ministry in the Archdiocese of Toronto. These are just some of the stories we know - We have several alumni living as missionary disciples and working in many fields across the country!
Click here for more information about campus ministry at the University of Windsor