How to Use the Adult Faith Formation Reflection Guides
The sub-themes were developed by the CCCB ad hoc Committee for the Preparation of the Jubilee Year and they also created Reflection Guides for use in dioceses, eparchies, parishes, Catholic schools, movements and associations and all people wishing to celebrate the Jubilee Year 2025.
The themes are:
A Universal Call to Jubilee: to be celebrated in Rome and worldwide
Hope: Rooted in Baptism and enlivened by the Holy Spirit, faith, hope, love, and patience sustain us.
A Journey of Hope: we are a pilgrim people
Signs of Hope: the desire for peace and justice and the call to be signs of hope for the poor, imprisoned, sick and dying.
Appeals for Hope: ensuring the fruits of the earth are available to everyone, the forgiveness of debt, and celebrating the 1700th Anniversary of the Council of Nicea emphasizing our call to be synodal and to evangelize
Anchored in Hope: the death and resurrection of Jesus, the witness of the Mother of God, the saints and martyrs, the gift of indulgences and the importance.
With six themes in one calendar year, the Diocese of London Jubilee Committee is focusing on one theme every two months. The first theme, A Universal Call to Jubilee, is the focus for January and February 2025. We are encouraging Families of Parishes and other groups to use a new Reflection Guide every two months.
Click here to access the Diocese of London's summary Guide for incorporating Theme One - A Universal Call to Jubilee into your ministry or with other groups
Click hereto access the full CCCB Reflection Guide for Theme One - A Universal Call to Jubilee
(A printable PDF of the information below is at this link)
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The CCCB Resources are plentiful and can be used as written. This would be great for small group ministry, either already established in your Family of Parishes or as new groups.
We understand that may not be feasible for your Family of Parishes. You may consider extracting sections of the resources to incorporate in current ministry initiatives.
Who could incorporate the Jubilee Resources in their ongoing ministry?
Any small group that is interested in faith formation, such as existing study groups
Any group that meets regularly could incorporate portions of the resources, such as:
pastoral council and finance council
pastoral teams,
parish groups like CWL, Knights of Columbus,
ministries like RCIA, youth group, etc.
Some Tips and Suggestions to incorporate in your ongoing ministries:
At a meeting, use the section Listening to the Word of God, as an opening prayer. This could be used in full or just some portion, as time allows in your meeting.
There are areas of learning called Listening to Learn Anew. After opening prayer or at some point in your gathering, You can incorporate these reflections in your RCIA, committee meetings, staff meetings, etc.
Make time for meaningful conversation on the theme through a Conversation in the Spirit. The section Listening the the Holy Spirit and Each Other offers questions and a guide to a Conversation in the Spirit.
How long does it take?
To do the full guide, depending on the breadth and depth of your discussions, it should take about one hour.