As part of the Jubilee, Pope Francis asks that we note the 1,700th anniversary of the creed of Nicaea. To assist our Families of Parishes in making this easier, the following resources are available:
History of the Creeds An article at this link, which you may want to reproduce in your bulletin. It includes some history of both creeds and why we should be incorporating the Nicaean Creed in our worship this year.
Nicene and Apostles Creeds A copy of both the Nicene and Apostles creeds is at this linkwith directions for posture (bows & genuflections) for your consideration and can be printed on cardstock and placed on the pews or the text can be copied for use on projection equipment.
Printable Versions of the Nicene Creed A PDF of the Nicene Creed sized to be printed two to a page so it can be cut and pasted into the back of CBW IIIs is at this link (cut just inside the guideline).