The new Decree, the new Mass texts and Holy Week changes are at this link:
The Congregation suggests two options for readings.
Mass in Time of Pandemic - ENG
Mass in Time of Pandemic - ESP
The texts from the Vatican website – they are released in several languages, scroll down until you find your preferred language. [see “adnexus” on the website]
This “Mass for Various Needs and Occasions” may be used for the duration of the Pandemic.
These may NOT be used on the usual liturgical days – Triduum; Solemnities; the Sundays of Advent, Lent, and Easter; days of Holy Week; All Souls, Ash Wednesday.
They may be used beginning immediately and through to Saturday morning. They may be used again beginning following Second Sunday of Easter.
These webinar recordings were created by The North American Forum on the Catechumenate in Washington, DC. They are available to all parish leaders in the Diocese of London (password required). For more information, contact the Director of Liturgy.
Click here to access the videos (password required).