Misas en Espanol en 2024 Celebradas por/2024 Spanish Masses celebrated by Rev. Ben Huyge
WHEATLEYIn 2003, the Diocese of London established the Migrant Worker Ministry, and has been “sharing faith and life” with migrant workers ever since. Each year the number of men and women coming to our Diocese for temporary work increases as do the countries they come from. Those who labour among us have become vitally important members of our parishes and communities.
MWM in our diocese is staffed by a Migrant Worker Ministry Specialist and a dedicated Spanish-speaking priest. Also, this ministry is supported by many other Spanish speaking clergy and selfless volunteers in eight different regions across the diocese. Their efforts include the celebration of mass (in Spanish), transportation, hospitality, personal assistance and support for growth in their spiritual lives.
The ministry also works in conjunction with community partners to serve various migrant cultural groups, and with community organizations who collaborate with us in a “community building” approach, that enhances the welcome and support received by those who come to our country in search of employment in safe and just conditions.
Our brothers and sisters who labour among us will find in our parishes, places where they can share faith and life amid welcoming and supportive communities.
To create awareness in our parishes and Families of Parishes of our brothers and sisters who labour among us
To assist and inspire in our parish communities hospitality, mutual respect and Christian love among all, including those who are temporarily with us.
Contact us
Especialista del Ministerio de Trabajadores Migrantes:
Azuani Cano
Sacerdote dedicado del Ministerio de Trabajadores Migrantes, sirviendo de la Iglesia de San Miguel, Leamington:
P. Kazimierz Lorencowicz
Last updated: Feb 19, 2021