The Diocese of London, as a member of the universal church, supports missionary orders and missionary dioceses thorough a mission program that is titled: MCP - Missionary Cooperation Plan.
The Mission Office yearly receives requests for missionary visits and appeals for special needs that cannot be met by the Society for the Propagation of the Faith and the Solidarity collection on World Mission Sunday.
The letter of request for an appeal presentation must clearly provide:
1) appropriate contact information
2) background information about the Mission and Diocese
3) the reason and purpose for the appeal
4) information and duly authorized documention about the presenter (s)
The Diocese of London has supported these appeals, where possible, by hosting missionaries at local parish masses since 1964.
Please note that all missionary presenters (priest, deacon, religious or lay) must be screened by the Office of the Chancellor in keeping with the Safe Environment Policy of the Diocese of London.
Only Diocese of London parishes that have expressed a missionary interest in hosting a presentation from a missionary presenter (at mass or in a specific gathering) are planned and coordinated.
In 2019 specific mission presentations for Extraordinary Mission Year were coordinated in: Windsor (Ghana) , Wallaceburg (Catholic Missions in Canada) , London (Global Dev & Peace) , Ingersoll (Nicaragua), Stratford (Haiti) and Sarnia (local misionary groups).
Unfortunately due to COVID19 restrictions, it was not possible to plan missionary presentations and appeals in parishes in 2020, 2021, 2022.
Hopefully in the future MCP appeals in parishes will resume as the experience enlivens the missionary heart of all the faithful and animates the spiritual life of the diocese.
The Diocese of London is a mission-oriented Church that forms disciples of Jesus !
If you require more information about Mission Support (MCP) :
Contact the Diocesan Mission Office -