The full text of the letter is below. It is also available as a
25 March 2020
Letter sent to Healthcare and Community Leaders in the Diocese of London:
During this extraordinary time of the coronavirus pandemic, I am reaching out to you and your team on behalf of the Catholic community of southwestern Ontario to express my deep gratitude for your leadership and service of the common good. Your efforts, which are often unseen and carried out without fanfare, are keeping us all safe. They are particularly important in the crisis we are currently facing, because they are a powerful witness to all of us of the dignity and value of every human life.
We want to acknowledge the great demands that have been placed on you and your team. Many people, those on the front line and the families supporting those on the front line, are making huge sacrifices for all of us, especially those most in need.
Our Catholic community is supporting you and your efforts.
I have mobilized our parishes throughout the diocese to reach out to their communities with particular attention to the home bound, the elderly and those with special needs. For us Catholics, the Church is not simply a building, but a community of faith that brings God’s love to the world in concrete ways.
Please do not hesitate to reach out, if you believe there is more we could be doing to support your efforts.
Our prayers are with you each day. May God bless you, and may we look back on this experience and celebrate the incredible efforts of our human family. We look forward with hope and confidence to that time.
Sincerely yours,
Most Rev. Ronald P. Fabbro, C.S.B.
Bishop of London