27 March 2020 (A printable version of this page is here)
I convened the Episcopal Council and the following represents a consensus of the Council, and it is my intention that these new directives become effective immediately:
1. Recordings of Masses (livestreaming or uploaded)
The restriction on livestreaming or otherwise broadcasting Masses from churches is now rescinded with qualifications (20 March, #2). Many priests wrote or called to tell us how important it was for them to be able to provide this service for their parishioners; many parishioners expressed a desire to see and hear their own priests.
2. Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
In light of the Ontario government’s directions to stay home, and to close all but essential stores and offices, the recommendation to bless palm branches and make them available outside of churches for parishioners to pick up is withdrawn (20 March, #6). To minimize the possibility of contagion and to prevent people from gathering, palms are not to be blessed or distributed for the year 2020.
3. The Sacred Triduum
After receiving clarifications regarding the decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments (19 March 2020), and hearing the great desire of many priests to celebrate the Triduum in its entirety, the directives in the last update for the Triduum (20 March, #6) are rescinded, with the exceptions as noted below. I am celebrating the Triduum at the Cathedral with Bishop Dabrowski. These celebrations will be recorded and uploaded on the website for any to watch. The recording of these celebrations does not preclude parishes from broadcasting their services.
The following directives will now guide the celebrations in the Diocese: