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At the recent meeting of the Episcopal Council, I was able to discuss and gather information about various protocols still in place in our Diocese for COVID-19. In light of my stated intention to review regularly the few protocols we still have in place, I make the following changes to the protocols for the Diocese of London:
1. Effective Palm Sunday, 1-2 April 2023, the following protocols change:
a) Sanitizing hands and wearing masks are no longer required for any ministers of Holy Communion in our churches. This change in our protocol does not abrogate any policies held in places, such as hospitals or long-term care homes, where ministers of the Eucharist may be taking Holy Communion to the sick or aged, and where they need to follow local protocols. Any parishioner, including any serving in a liturgical ministry, may choose to continue wearing a mask. This would be their personal prerogative.
b) Ministers of Holy Communion are not required to sanitize their hands after giving Holy Communion to a communicant on the tongue. It would be prudent, however, to have sanitizer nearby in the event that a minister of Holy Communion would choose to use sanitizer out of prudence or caution.
c) The Sign of Peace may be given in any fashion as in the time prior to the pandemic.
This date has been chosen for these three protocols to reflect the beginning of Spring and the end of “cold and flu” season.
2. The distribution of Communion from the Cup may resume on Pentecost Sunday, 27-28 May 2023. It is hoped this later start date will give pastors sufficient time to recruit and prepare members of the assembly to serve in this ministry.
It is encouraging to see the progress that has been made throughout the world with containing and curbing the novel corona virus. We are grateful to all the doctors, nurses, other health-care professionals, and family members who sacrificed so much to care for their patients and their loved ones. May God bless them all!
As we prepare for the liturgies of Holy Week, Bishop Dabrowski and I assure the people of the Diocese that we are remembering them in our prayers. May this sacred time bring us ever closer to the Lord!