Bishop Fabbro announces the following pastoral appointments and changes:
Rev. Mark Poulin will return from a short-term health leave, and has been appointed Associate Pastor of Ste Anne, Tecumseh and Good Shepherd, Lakeshore, effective 17 January 2020.
Rev. Mark Gazin, C.S.B. has being reassigned by his community effective 6 January 2020.
Rev. Fred Howard-Smith has retired effective 31 December 2019.
Rev. Olivet Okoro, newly arrived to the Diocese of London, has been appointed Associate Pastor of the Catholic Family of Parishes in Norfolk, effective 10 January 2020.
Rev. Vincent Nguyen, C.S.J.B. has been reassigned by his Religious Community to a parish in Brooklyn, New York. Rev. Hang Hai Hoang, C.S.J.B. has been assigned as Priest-Chaplain of St. Philiphe and St. Ane Thanh Vietnamese Martyrs Catholic Community, Windsor, effective 19 December 2019.
Rev. Etienne Nadonye, O.F.M. Cap. has been appointed part-time Priest-Chaplain to the London hospitals effective 1 January 2020. This is in addition to his current appointment as Priest-Chaplain of Communauté Catholique Ste-Marguerite d'Youville.
I thank the members of the Priest Personnel Board and offer our prayers and support to our priests, parish teams and parish families who will be affected by these pastoral changes. May God continue to bless our ministry to the people of our Diocese.
Most Rev. Ronald P. Fabbro, C.S.B.
Bishop of London
Diocese of London:
Being a mission-oriented Church that forms disciples of Jesus