Avow – Vocation Discernment Groups for Catholic Women
Every woman is called to make a gift of herself in love. Discovering the form the gift will take is the art of discernment. Avow is a small group for Catholic women, ages 18 to 35, who gather for heart-to-heart conversation and study as they embark on the journey of d
iscernment together. Avow is not a program to recruit or convince you of your vocation; rather it is designed to create an atmosphere of freedom and openness for the authentic pursuit of the Father’s will. Groups are guided by the discernment principles of St. Ignatius of Loyola. In London & Surrounding Regions: Meetings are held every third Wednesday of the month. Please contact Marjorie Braatz at
mbraatz84@gmail.com. In Windsor-Essex & Surrounding Regions: Meetings are held monthly. Please contact Maureen at the Madonna House, Windsor at
Quo Vadis – Vocation Discernment Groups for Catholic Men
Quo Vadis is Latin for “where are you going?” Is Jesus calling me to be a Catholic priest? It’s not an easy question to answer. It takes prayer and study to discover your true vocation. Quo Vadi
s is a discernment group of men, ages 18 to 35, who love Jesus Christ and His Church, and who are willing to talk with other like-minded men about their future. The group meetings aren’t meant to convince you that priesthood is your vocation. You could very well be called to marriage or to another vocation, but openness to God's will is the goal of these groups. Contact Fr. Patrick Bénéteau at
vocations@dol.ca or 519-432-1824 ext. 204, for meeting times and locations