October 22 is World Mission Sunday, when we are reminded of our baptismal calling as a missionary Church to help the suffering and the poor. Every parish in the Diocese of London--and indeed around the world--will be taking up a collection. Please pray for those in need, and please give to the collection as generously as you are able.
All are invited to join Fr. Alan Momney for the 8th Annual A.P. Mahoney Library Lecture Series talk, "Eucharistic ekstasis: The Transformation of Self through Sacrifice."
A report CCODP has been released in French or English. The funds eventually raised totalled $9.8 million. As the funding raised by the joint CCODP-CCCB initiative ended in 2016, the enclosed report covers the years 2011 to 2016. However, as it also notes, the Sahel crisis is not over; it has become even more complex, and so CCODP indicates the Sahel will continue to be one of its priorities.
This Friday, September 15th, the Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows, we will celebrate diocese-wide Masses for the intentions of Victim-Survivors of clergy sexual abuse, for the healing of our families and communities, and for reparation for the sins of clergy-abusers.