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Nous sommes une maison de prière et de service :
“Worry is a conversation I have with myself about things I cannot change. Prayer is a conversation we have with God about things God can change.”
Check links below for times and celebrations. Masses from outside the diocese are also on this page
Catholic Family of Parishes in Norfolk
Elgin Roman Catholic Family of Parishes (Facebook and YouTube)
Holy Family, London
King's Campus Ministry, London - Daily Prayer
North Central Windsor Catholic Family of Parishes
Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Parish, Windsor
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Windsor
St. Anne's Parish, Tecumseh - Mass (English and French) and Family Rosary
St. George, London
St. John the Divine, London
St. Joseph/Sacred Heart/St. Ambrose (Huron County: Wingham, Brussels, Listowel)
St. Mary, London (English and Italian)
Sacred Heart, Lambton and the Kent Lambton Roman Catholic Family of Parishes - Weekly Homilies
Good Shepherd, Tecumseh
Paróquia de Santa Cruz / Holy Cross Parish - (English and Portuguese)
Spanish Mass
Polish Mass (Polish Bishop's Conference)
Michaelite Fathers YouTube channel - Spanish language Mass
St. Benedict, Nova Scotia
Salt+Light:Here is a link to find Salt and Light from your TV provider)
Vision TV: Sunday 8:00 am; Monday – Friday 8:00 am & 12:00 pm; Saturday 8:00 am & 9:30 am.
JoyTV: Sunday 10:30 am; Monday – Friday 10:30 am & 4:30 pm; Saturday 10:30 am.
The National Catholic Broadcasting Council provides daily uploads of Catholic Mass from Loretto Abbey Chapel in Toronto
Living with Christ (Novalis) - free downloads of intentions, prayers and Mass texts (NEW)
Prions en Église (Novalis) (NEW)
Scriptural texts for Mass from Association Épiscopale Liturgique
pour les pays Francophones (AELF) (NEW)
Saints Workbooks from the McGrath Institute at Notre Dame (free registration required for download) (NEW)
YDisciple – Some of the best content online geared towards young people. – It’s like Catholic Netflix
Ascension Presents – An extremely simple way to offer at least something each week during this time is to get your small group to sign up at Catholic.Social, post a weekly video from Ascension Presents and discuss it online. We have several groups doing this already.
ProjectYM – has launched ProjectYM Live – a youth ministry offering that will be online!
Dynamic Catholic – has a ton of free online resources. Probably their most popular is Decision Point.
Hallow is a Catholic meditation app brought to our attention by a diocesan pastor "to help you find peace and grow in your spiritual journey."
Living Faith - Daily Catholic devotions
Family Sunday Liturgy for Children - Activities and bulletins for the Sunday Mass
Catholic Kids Media - Animations of the Sunday readings with a short refleciton
TheKidsBulletin - Fantastic printable bulletins for kids
Catholic Resources for Families
Praying Together, Praying Apart: At-Home Prayers for Times of Healing (Liturgical Press). Amid self-isolation and physical distancing, an increasing number of people are experiencing sickness and death separated from other people. This resource strives to offer some concrete ways to pray, heal, and grieve together. (NEW)
Growing in Faith Growing in Christ - free login - Username: GIFGIC-student99, password: Student99 - free library of Mass videos for Children during the COVID-19 emergency
TheCatholicKid - colouring pages
Faith and Fabric Design - Activities for Homebound Families
TheReligionTeacher - a great clearing house of activitiesWorship@Home - In this challenging time when many of us are unable to attend Mass in person, here's a great way that you can pray together as a family. Just get in touch with us if you see anything wrong or have any questions.
Faith@Home eResource Bundle - Lectionary-Based Resources for home amidst the Coronavirus Shutdown
What If Public Masses Are Canceled? Tim O’Malley; Notre Dame Institute for Church Life