The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process in which adult men and women become part of the Catholic Church. Through its witness, worship, service and catechesis, the whole parish community offers the invitation and support necessary for men and women to be welcomed as members of the community.
Adults who are not yet baptized are accepted into the process as catecheumens and prepare to receive the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist) at Easter each year.
Those already baptized in another Christian tradition are welcomed as candidates for full communion and prepare to be received into the Catholic Church at a suitable time.
A team of Catechists and sponsors, led by the Director of the process, journeys with the catechumens and candidates for a number of months, meeting weekly.
All who are seeking to enter the Catholic Church can do so by contacting us using this form or contacting their local Catholic parish using the Parish Finder map at this link.
The goal of this special sacramental program is to prepare young people who are not baptized, or who have been baptized in another Christian denomination, for the sacraments of Baptism (or profession of faith), First Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation.
The program opens the young people to an awareness of God's personal love for each of them and initiates and/or deepens their journey of faith. Parents are involved in the catechesis of their children through resources to use at home. Through this home study, parents have an opportunity to renew their own faith and are introduced and/or more fully incorporated into the parish family.
Parents are advised to contact their local parish for information regarding preparing their children to receive the Sacraments.