A handy PDF guide to these posts is at this link . NOTE: Use the hashtag#ListeningChurch (and #Synod if you have space) in your posts.
Post Text: "Pope Francis has called the whole church, all the baptized, to participate in a Synod.The theme for this synod is “For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission”.
Stay tuned to our social media over the next few weeks for more about what a Synod is, what synodality is, and what your role is in it all! #ListeningChurch #Synod"
2 Post Images (your choice or sue both at different times)
Option 1:
Option 2:
Below are a series of posts you can do in any order followed by some stand-alone images that have no text for additional content.
Post Text:
"Since Vatican II, bishops have gathered every two to three years to reflect on important issues confronting the Church, seeking to discern the voice of the Holy Spirit. In recent times Pope Francis has sought to invite broader consultation. This #synod is a little different as Pope Francis has asked for the whole Church to participate. #ListeningChurch"
Post Image:
Post Text:
"Every parish or Family of Parishes has been asked to participate in this process through Listening Sessions. We are also working with our partners in the community to hearfrom them. Be sure to keep an eye out at your parish to see how you can participate. #ListeningChurch #Synod"
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Post Text:
"Whenever we enter into dialogue, we allow ourselves to be challenged, to advance on ajourney. And in the end, we are no longer the same, we are changed. 'On the synodal journey, the most important thing is the process, because it is already the result.' Mons. Luis Marin de San Martin. #ListeningChurch #Synod"
Post Image:
Post Text:
"The Church wants you to be a part of this journey. Your parish is making plans now. [If you have your date or registration information available... add it here]. #ListeningChurch #Synod"
Post Image:
Post Text:
"We are coming together on this synodal process to listen to each otheranswer some very important questions for the church. This also requiresyou to share where you're coming from and your own hopes and dreamsfor the Catholic Church. How exciting is that? #ListeningChurch #Synod"
Post Image:
Post Text:
"In this synodal process there is a lot of sharing and even more listening...
to ourselves,
to each other,
to the Holy Spirit.
Visit the website to learn more. [add link]
#ListeningChurch #Synod"
Post Image:
Post Text:
Reach out.
Visit the website to learn more. [add link]
#ListeningChurch #Synod"
Post Image:
Post Text:
"Many aspects of the synod may sound familiar. Like something you'veparticipated in before. It may also sound very new. It's important toremember what the synod is and what it is not.
Visit the website to learn more. #ListeningChurch #Synod"
Post Images - these should BOTH be added to this post:
Additional posts that don't require any copy, but you can always link the back to your own or the diocesan Synod page